Road Safety

Guided by five core principles of safety, we aim to keep you secure on the road.


We focus on technology that can increase safety in pavements, guardrails, road assets, and video analytics, recognising that these advancements are pivotal in creating a secure infrastructure.

Expressway Infrastructure

Learn our approach in paving the way for safer roads all around Malaysia.

Blackspot Locations Improvement
We identify Blackspot locations by analysing accident numbers and weighting points for on-site work.
Road Assets
We test signage reflectivity, upgrade fencing, and replace signs and wire rope to guardrails as vital improvement measures.
Congestion Management
We implement SMARTLane, Mobile SMARTLane, and propose a heavy vehicles ban on ELITE and NKVE expressways to improve traffic safety.
Blackspot Locations Improvement
We identify Blackspot locations by analysing accident numbers and weighting points for on-site work.
Road Assets
We test signage reflectivity, upgrade fencing, and replace signs and wire rope to guardrails as vital improvement measures.
Congestion Management
We implement SMARTLane, Mobile SMARTLane, and propose a heavy vehicles ban on ELITE and NKVE expressways to improve traffic safety.
0 %
decrease in accident rates
due to enhanced road
0 %
increase in road durability through advanced engineering
0 %
reduction in the severity of off-road collisions due to improved road barriers
0 %
increased night-time visibility due to installation of LED lighting systems

* as of 27/12/2023


We organise programs to increase road safety awareness within the expressway community, aiming to cultivate a culture of responsible driving and community commitment.

Caring for Road Safety

Our safety outreach teams are diligent and proactive in instilling improved awareness.

Expressway Community Programmes
We organised Safety PLUS Programmes, from 2017 to 2022, to provide safety awareness and reduce accidents.
Road Safety Tips
We promote road safety awareness to our expressway customers through social media by utilising interactive posters and videos.
PLUS Texting Real-Time Interface (PUTRI)
We provide PLUS customers with a convenient WhatsApp channel to interact with the PUTRI Virtual Assistant and quickly answer queries and receive feedback relating to the expressways.
Expressway Community Programmes
We organised Safety PLUS Programmes, from 2017 to 2022, to provide safety awareness and reduce accidents.
Road Safety Tips
We promote road safety awareness to our expressway customers through social media by utilising interactive posters and videos.
PLUS Texting Real-Time Interface (PUTRI)
We provide PLUS customers with a convenient WhatsApp channel to interact with the PUTRI Virtual Assistant and quickly answer queries and receive feedback relating to the expressways.

Safety Tips

Check out our travel safety tips for a smooth journey on the road.

Use the RFID-registered vehicle listed in your Touch 'n Go e-Wallet.

Use the toll booth intercom for assistance with any toll lane issues.

Adhere to PLUS highways' terms and relevant laws and regulations.

Do not panic and leave your vehicle at the toll lane.

Do not engage in fraudulent, illegal, or unlawful activities on PLUS expressways.

Do not speed and tailgate other vehicles at the RFID lane

Use the RFID-registered vehicle listed in your Touch 'n Go e-Wallet

Use the toll booth intercom for assistance with any toll lane issues

Adhere to PLUS expressways' terms and relevant laws and regulations

Do not speed and tailgate another vehicle near the RFID lane.

Do not panic and do not leave your vehicle at the toll lane.

Do not engage in fraudulent, illegal, or unlawful activities on PLUS expressways.

0 +

road safety workshops conducted annually for students, drivers, and community members.


schools partnered with us across the nation, helping students develop safe road habits from a young age.

0 +

universities and organisations actively participate in our ongoing road safety awareness programs.

* as of 27/12/2023

0 +

road safety workshops conducted annually for students, drivers, and community members.


schools partnered with us across the nation, helping students develop safe road habits from a young age.

0 +

universities and organisations actively participate in our ongoing road safety awareness programs.

* as of 27/12/2024

* as of 27/12/2024


We collaborate with authorities such as the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM), the Road Transport Department (JPJ), and other agencies to enhance compliance and enforcement of road safety laws.

Enforcement Strategy

Our enforcement strategy involves rigorous implementation and continuous monitoring.

Improving safety and enforcement aspects to ensure compliance with road laws in order to overcome the problem of accidents along PLUS expressways.

Provide first aid for any obstacles, emergencies, traffic jams, and accidents on the expressways.

Improving aspects of enforcement with the goal of reducing the rate of accidents involving motorcycles in the emergency lane.

Strengthen enforcement operations by conducting integrated operations regularly with other relevant agencies.

Monitor, carry out enforcement actions such as issuing fines and warnings, and take immediate action on road offenses to ensure safety and compliance with road laws.

Strategic cooperation such as the establishment of the Highway Investigation Unit (USLR) and the JPJ Highway Enforcement Unit (UPLR).

0 +
committed officers working tirelessly to keep our roads safe
0 %
reduction in speeding violations in areas with active PLUS Malaysia enforcement
0 +
high-tech speed cameras strategically placed to discourage speeding
0 +
routine patrols conducted monthly to reduce traffic violations

* as of 27/12/2023

Emergency Response Plan

We are always prepared to handle and manage unforeseen events on the expressway, particularly those that have a significant impact on our expressway customers.

Response Objectives

Our response team is ready for any emergencies with clear objectives in mind.

Reduce asset loss and maintain business continuity.

Mobilising Emergency Response Team (ERT) to manage the initial response to emergencies.

Protecting the community and the public.

Efficient coordination with external rescue agencies.

Ensure staff have the skills and abilities to act efficiently and effectively during emergency situations.

Our Response Team

Our team of roadside assistants are ready to help make your journey easier.


Established in 1990, PLUSRonda has been diligently providing 24/7 expressway assistance, reflecting our dedication to ensuring safer travel experiences. Our services encompass vehicle repairs, towing for Class 1 vehicles, and adept traffic management.

For assistance, you can easily connect with us through the toll-free PLUSLine at
1800-88-0000, or the conveniently placed emergency telephones every 2 kilometres.

Your safety is our priority, and PLUSRonda is here to offer reliable support for your journey.

Traffic Monitoring Centre (TMC)

The PLUS Traffic Monitoring Centre (TMC) is a pivotal hub in safeguarding road users by delivering accurate and prompt information to key stakeholders, coordinating crisis, emergency and incident responses along the expressways, working closely with PLUSRonda, which is part of Emergency Response Team. Beyond this, the TMC engages in collaborative efforts with key agencies such as the police, road transport department, fire department, ambulance, and rescue services, among others, to facilitate prompt incident and breakdown clearance on the mainline. This proactive action not only enhances the crisis and emergency management but also elevates safety standards and operational efficiency across the expressways.

The PLUS TMC also:

Manage the customer call/request received via
1800-88-0000 (PLUSLine), Emergency Telephones and SOS Button on PUTRI Virtual Assistant or PLUS App.

Disseminates traffic information to users through X@plustraffik, PUTRI Virtual Assistant, PLUS App, radio station, electronic message boards (VMS) and PLUSLine.

Monitors movements and operations of PLUSRonda vehicles.

Liaises with the relevant authorities (Police, Fire Departments, Ambulance and others) and provides tow truck service for faster incident/breakdown clearance on the mainline.

Manages the Intelligence Transport System (ITS) equipment such as Variable Message Sign (VMS), Automatic Vehicle Detection System (AVDS), Close Circuit Television (CCTV) and Global Positioning System (GPS).

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faster arrival of emergency response teams.
0 %
reduction in the injury sustained by accident victims.
0 %
increase in overall traffic throughput.
0 %
reduction in average congestion duration.

* as of 27/12/2023


We receive continuous systemic evaluation for improvement of existing initiatives controlled by a system of certification standards.

Evaluation Criteria

Our evaluation is based on our commitment to continuously improve road safety.

The effectiveness of the initiatives that have been implemented under Engineering, Enforcement, Education, and Emergency Response Plan.

Monthly Reports for internal use for monitoring purposes.

Monthly Reports to the Malaysia Highway Authority or the concerned agencies.

Monitor the accident rate on the highway as determined by the Malaysia Highway Authority (LLM).

Road Safety Audits

We work closely with iRap and MyRAP to establish maximum safety for all road users.

International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP)

To enhance the quality of our roads and ensure the safety of highway customers, we participate in the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP), a globally recognised initiative operating in over 100 countries that awards star ratings for road safety improvements.

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Malaysia Road Assessment Programme (MyRAP)

We work closely with the Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research (MIROS) under the Malaysia Road Assessment Programme (MyRAP) which utilises the iRAP framework to identify improvements and upgrading requirements to our infrastructures.

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Road Traffic Safety Management System (RTSMS)

PLUS Malaysia Berhad (PLUS) has received ISO 39001:2012 certification for Road Traffic Safety Management System (RTSMS) from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). This makes it the first highway in Malaysia to receive such recognition.

What is
ISO 39001:2012 (RTSMS)?

PLUS CERTIFIED WITH RTSMS :โ€‹ 9 January 2020ย 

VALIDITY : ISO 39001 : 2012 (Valid until 8 Jan 2026)ย 

โ€‹SCOPE OF CERTIFICATION : “Provision of Road Traffic Safety Management System via 3E Model (Engineering, Education and Enforcement)โ€ involving 2,812 staff and 12 Departments & 3 Regions.โ€‹

0 %
increase in the number of road sections achieving higher safety ratings (4-star and above) compared to baseline assessments.
0 %
decrease in the number of fatalities recorded on PLUS expressways.
0 %
of surveyed users reported feeling safer and more confident while traveling on PLUS expressways.

* as of 27/12/2023

0 %
increase in the number of road sections achieving higher safety ratings (4-star and above) compared to baseline assessments.
0 %
decrease in the number of fatalities recorded on PLUS expressways.
0 %
of surveyed users reported feeling safer and more confident while traveling on PLUS expressways.

* as of 27/12/2024

* as of 27/12/2024

Shape tomorrow by joining us today!

Realise your potential and make a lasting impact as we collectively shape the future.

Have a question? Chat with PUTRI!

For emergencies, please call PLUSLine at 1-800-88-0000.


Your go-to guide for clarity and quick answers to on-the-road safety questions.

If your vehicle breaks down, safely pull over to the emergency lane, turn on your hazard lights, and go behind the roadside barrier.

Contact PLUSLine at 1800-88-0000 for assistance. They will provide guidance and help to ensure your safety.ย