Customer Feedback

Share your thoughts and tell us how we can improve your experience on the road.

Feedback Channels

Welcome to PLUS’ Feedback page. Here, you can submit feedback ranging from PLUSMiles rewards, general enquiries, to accident claims or check the status of your submitted feedback.

PLUSMiles Rewards
PLUSMiles members can enjoy swift and seamless feedback and enquiries process with their own dashboard.
Have a question? Reach out to us for any general enquiries and we would be delighted to assist you!
Effortlessly submit your accident claim to us with our simplified Accident Claim form.
Check Feedback Status
Check the status of your feedback by entering your reference number to receive enquiry updates.

Notice any unethical practices?

Your voice matters. Speak Up to report against instances of fraud, bribery, harassment, and other misconducts.

Have a question? Chat with PUTRI!

For emergencies, please call PLUSLine at 1-800-88-0000.


Your go-to guide for clarity and quick answers to questions regarding feedback.

The Feedback page is designed to provide a channel for users to share their thoughts, suggestions, and concerns about their experiences on PLUS expressways.

The response time for feedback submitted may vary. However, PLUS aims to acknowledge and respond to feedback within a reasonable timeframe.

Currently, PLUS does not offer specific incentives for providing feedback. Your input, however, is highly valued as it contributes to the continuous improvement of our services.